
A 50‐animal herd of dairy cows was pastured throughout one year on fertilized Pangola grass pastures in the humid tropical environment of Turrialba, Costa Rica. Information was collected on monthly grazing pressure, forage consumption and digestibility and milk production. The average number of animal units (375 kg) over the year was 2.57/ha. Total milk produced was 6014 kg/ha. Forage consumption varied from 1.81–3.60 kg DM per 100 kg liveweight, with two periods of low consumption coinciding with the flowering period of Pangola grass and with a drier season. Digestibility fluctuated from 50.3–65.7% and followed the same pattern. Calculations were made of the efficiency of DM conversion, which was around 12%, with two higher values for the periods of stress, interpreted as utilization of body reserves. Calculations of the nitrogen balance of Pangola pastures are also presented.

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