
The article reflects the results of studies conducted in the period from 2021 to 2023 in the dry steppe zone of the Russian Federation to assess the effectiveness of the integrated use of biological products in the cultivation of spring barley. The effectiveness of pre-sowing treatment of spring barley seeds with a biofungicide followed by foliar treatment during the tillering phase with biological products that suppress the development of phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria, stimulate plant growth and development, and also increase plant resistance to adverse environmental factors has been studied. Indicators of the prevalence and degree of development of root rot on spring barley were determined. Data are presented for recording the phytometric indicators of spring barley crops with the integrated use of biological products. Indicators of productivity and grain quality of spring barley were determined using biological products INBIO-FIT, BIOFIT-1.0 M and biofungicide Strekar

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