
After harvesting of wheat the great surfaces of land remain unused although they are suitable both for growing forage crops and production of voluminous animal feeds. The greatest importance in the production system of animal feeds is attributed to annual leguminous and grasses species which can be grown either as clear crops or mixtures. Their growing is conditioned by suitable irrigation system since in the time of seeding the temperatures are rather high and precipitations uncertain. In that sense this research has been conducted in which productivity of sorghum and soybean in after crop sowing grown both as clear and mixed crops with decreased density of both species by ? in relation to clean crops has been observed. Sorghum had greater yield than that of soybean. The greatest yield was formed by mixture of sorghum and soybean (5587 kg ha-1), what is very significant in relation to clean soybean (4563 kg ha-1). The yield in mixtures was 6% and 11% greater in relation to the expected one, that is 6 or 11% greater land surface with clean crops is needed in order to obtain corresponding yield in mixed crops. Soybean contains considerably greater quantity of crude protein, crude fat, calcium and magnesium in relation to sorghum what resulted in fact that mixtures also had greater quantities of the same nutritive substances in comparison with sorghum. The highest net energy value in the production of milk and meat was realized by soybean (5.70 and 5.67 MJkg-1 SM). Mixtures realized higher production of NEL and NEM per surface unit. By the combination of crops more favourable ratio of energy and proteins is realized what besides greater yield means that by mixtures the higher production of meat and milk per surface unit is possible.


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