
The results of field studies for 2017 - 2019 are presented. yields of perennial grasses sown at different times of the growing season. Spring, summer, and winter sowing periods were compared. Alfalfa, clover, rump, and also their mixtures were sown in 2017 under the cover of barley. The value of the cover crop yield of spring and summer sowing periods did not differ significantly and amounted to 4-5 t / ha of absolutely dry matter. Winter barley crops have not formed. On average, over 2 years of use, the highest yields were observed in alfalfa-crust grass mixtures - 3.4 t / ha of absolutely dry matter. The lowest yield was obtained in the single-species seeding of the rump. Correspondingly, in the spring, summer and winter periods of sowing, the yield of rump was 1.6; 1.1 and 1.3 t / ha. With a late sowing period, the yield of perennial grasses is significantly lower compared to spring and summer. With winter sowing periods, the yield was the highest for grass stands of alfalfa and alfalfacrust grass mixture - 2.3 and 2.4 t / ha. It should be noted that in the second year of use, the yield by the sowing dates in single-species crops and grass mixtures is leveled. The winter crops of perennial grasses in the first year of use formed a low yield. Only in the second year (third year of life) the productivity of perennial grasses of winter sowing began to increase. Consequently, in the area under perennial grasses of the winter sowing period, during one growing season (the next year after sowing), the crop was not actually formed. Based on the data obtained, production can be recommended for spring and summer planting of perennial grasses under the cover of barley. The winter sowing period provides economically valuable crop yields only by the third year of life.


  • The results of field studies for 2017 - 2019 are presented. yields of perennial grasses sown at different times of the growing season

  • With a late sowing period, the yield of perennial grasses is significantly lower compared to spring and summer

  • Based on the data obtained, production can be recommended for spring and summer planting of perennial grasses under the cover of barley

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Объектом исследований являлись одновидовые посевы и смеси многолетних трав: люцерны, клевера, костреца посеянные в разные сроки. Опыт заложен в мае – июне 2017 г. На поле учхоза «Тулинский» в лесостепной зоне Новосибирской области. Первый срок посева – 15 мая, второй – 15 июля, третий – 15 октября. Размещение контрольных и опытных делянок – рендомизированное. Площадь делянки – 36 м 2, повторность трёхкратная. Сорт ячменя – Ача, клевера – Атлант, костреца – Рассвет, люцерны – Флора. Определение плотности травостоя перед укосом проводилось путём подсчёта побегов на постоянно закреплённых площадках размером 50×50 см в трёхкратной повторности на каждой опытной делянке. Высоту растений определяли путём замера 20 растений на двух несмежных повторностях варианта перед уборкой. Площадь ассимиляционной поверхности листьев – методом высечек. Урожайность зелёной массы определялась один раз в течение сезона сплошным методом. Статистическая обработка проведена с помощью пакета программ статистической обработки экспериментальных данных SNEDECOR [14]

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