
Background: Weed management is one of the most important agronomic constraints leading to severe losses in the cropping system. Intercropping has several advantages to mitigate the losses faced by monocropping in addition to which if there is a proper control of weeds then the advantages of the intercropping system can be multiplied. Methods: An investigation was conducted on medium black clayey soils at Junagadh during kharif 2019-20 and 2020-21 in randomized block design with 10 treatments replicated thrice, to evaluate the effect of different weed management options on the growth and yield of groundnut + pigeonpea relay intercropping. The treatments were: pendimethalin 0.9 kg ha-1 as PE fb interculture and hand weeding at 45 DAS (T1), pendimethalin 0.45 kg ha-1 + oxyfluorfen 0.09 kg ha-1 as PE fb interculture and hand weeding at 45 DAS (T2), interculture and hand weeding at 15 DAS fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T3), interculture and hand weeding at 15 DAS fb quizalofop p ethyl 40 g ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T4), interculture and hand weeding at 15 DAS fb propaquizafop 70 g ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T5), pendimethalin 0.9 kg ha-1 as PE fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T6), pendimethalin 0.9 kg ha-1 as a PE fb quizalofop p ethyl 40 g ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T7), pendimethalin 0.9 kg as ha-1 PE fb propaquizafop 70 g ha-1 at 45 DAS as POE (T8), weed free (T9) and unweeded control (T10). Result: The results of the experiment revealed that weed free registered significantly higher plant height, number of branches, dry matter per plant and number of root nodules per plant in groundnut and pigeonpea and was statistically on par with to intercultureand hand weeding at 15 DAS fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as PoE, pendimethalin 0.9 kg ha-1 as PE fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as PoE. The data on yield attributes and yield of both the crops depicted that significantly superior results were obtained with weed free treatment, which was statistically at par with intercultureand hand weeding at 15 DAS fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (Ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as PoE and pendimethalin 0.9 kg ha-1 as PE fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (Ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as PoE. While in case of groundnut equivalent pod and haulm yields, statistically superior yields were registered with weed free treatment, which was statistically at par with intercultureand hand weeding at 15 DAS fb sodium acifluorfen 16.5% + clodinafop propargyl 8% (Ready mix) 1 kg ha-1 at 45 DAS as PoE.

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