
The results of a three-year field experiment to study the effect of mineral fertilizers and biopreparations with active strains of associative nitrogen-fixing microorganisms on the yield and quality of corn on the ordinary chernozem of the Lower Don are presented. The application of a combination of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N60P40K40 ensured high efficiency. The increase in grain yield compared to the control option was 1.85 t / ha, or 61.3%. The increase in yield after a bacterial preparation application with a strain of associative nitrogen-fixing microorganisms 2P-7 without mineral fertilizers was 40.1%, after application of the biopreparation 2P-9 with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in a dose of N30P40 - 55.3%. The greatest effect in protein harvesting was after application of N60P40K40 - 81.6%, after application of 2P-7 and 2P-9 - 51.9 and 55.6%, respectively. After their combined application with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers it increased by 20.9 and 22.2%. The level of profitability varied from 17% after application of full mineral fertilizer to 69% under the influence of biological products of associative nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.

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