
The development and implementation of the most optimal agricultural technologies for cultivating crops will allow you to maximize the potential of plants and get high productivity with good quality products. Among the variety of organic fertilizers currently used, a special place is occupied by poultry manure with a high content of nutrients found in the compounds assimilated by plants. In terms of the South-Western part of Central Black earth region, were studied combined effect of methods of primary tillage, doses of poultry manure and compost, combines them in making nitrogen fertilizers and mineral fertilizers on soil agrochemical parameters and grain productivity of corn. The productivity when plowing was 5,79 t/ha in the control variant, with beardless plowing – 4,91 t/ha and with no deep tillage – 4,8 t/ha. Poultry manure and compost (20 t/ha) in its pure form has increased the productivity by 1,02 and 0,87 t/ha when tilling, by 0,82 and 0,89 t/ha when beardless plowing by 0,78 and 0,83 t/ha when no deep tillage relative to control. Additional input in these variants of nitrogen fertilizer led to increase of productivity of corn to 6,99 and of 7,23 t/ha when tilling, which was higher than poultry manure (20 t/ha) and bird compost (20 t/ha) by 0,18 and 0,57 t/ha, when beardless plowing to 5,79 and of 6,37 t/ha. In order to cultivate corn for grain in the South-Western part of the Central Black earth region, it is necessary to plow to a depth of 22-25 cm as the main soil tillage. As the main fertilizer for obtaining stable productivity of corn for grain with the preservation of soil fertility at a high level of profitability, it is necessary to apply poultry manure at a dose of 20 t/ha. In order to achieve higher productivity of corn, we recommend the joint application of organic and mineral fertilizers in the dosage of poultry manure (20 t/ha + N 60) and poultry compost (20 t/ha + N 60).

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