
In the industrial workplace, automation enhances productivity and quality while reducing errors and waste, boosting safety, and providing greater flexibility to the manufacturing process. Industrial automation, in the end, results in enhanced safety, dependability, and profitability. Increased productivity is achieved by automating the welding machine for conveyer rollers. Many departments are included in this project like design, fabrication, testing, etc. The movement of welding torch with respect to workpiece can be automated with the help of pneumatics along with use PLC control system. Accuracy is the key factor on which the rate of success of the project can be measured. Hence, tried to standardized the project as much as possible by using standard data and equipment. Automation systems are increasingly displacing humans in the workplace. One of the advantages is that the human workforce will have more time to focus on more innovative projects as a result of the transition. All the required parameters are to be considered while designing the machine components. According to design, fabrication is done with the guidance of experts from the company as well as project guide.

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