
• Smart system to enhance productivity for low-cost outdoor oyster mushroom farms. • Wireless Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) network is first reported in oyster mushroom farms. • Fuzzy logic is provided to the system for a better decision. • IoT weighting machine is proposed for decreasing mistakes made by farmers. This research work proposes the installation of a smart oyster mushroom farm combining sensory devices, a programmable logic controller (PLC), and wireless module. The smart wireless PLC encourages high-quality mushroom yield. The system is capable of wirelessly monitoring, controlling, and propagating information to a database. The smart wireless PLC adjusts the mushroom watering according to the temperature and humidity measurements and controls the ventilation by employing a cooling fan with fuzzy logic. The system uses mesh networks on the message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol to display real-time values and control mushroom cultures. Monitoring is executed via a web application on the PC, smartphone, and the HMI of the PLC. Measurement values are recorded on the database instantaneously for productivity prediction and cultivation planning. The mushroom cultivation controlled by the proposed system offers a higher yield than that of farm crops produced in the traditional way. Furthermore, the mushroom quality obtained is also better. In summary, the effectiveness of the smart wireless PLC enhances the quality and productivity of oyster mushroom cultivation.

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