
This research focuses on the Salitre Savings and Credit Cooperative, Lomas de Sargentillo agency, whose objective is to determine the productivity and job performance of the staff working in the Salitre Savings and Credit Cooperative. In the theoretical framework, a brief description of the main bibliographic sources, books and web pages is made, it has been seen the need to collect information and theory that contribute to the investigation of this thesis with topics of Business Administration, Strategic Management, and Human Talent Management, determines the immediate or potential effect on an organization given a given situation. For the methodological framework, a description of the approach used for research methods is made, it refers to the development of the action plan, which implicitly implies the proposal of a series of activities in order to promote the human talent management process. The Development of the Proposal refers to the tendencies and perspectives of human management that aim to optimize the administration of the organization's personnel. On the other hand, for the work performance of the staff, it has been proposed; responsibility, work organization, amount of work and with a lower percentage the Quality of work is evidenced. In the case of responsibility, employees apply work techniques. The responsibility assumed by employees in the execution of their tasks is limited by institutional policies. The manager must take full advantage of the skills of the servers or employees under his charge to achieve the objectives of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Salitre.

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