
Аіm. To show the comparative productivity and quality parameters of winter wheat grain under No-till system in the first year of application with systematic surface tillage and minimum ploughing in grain 5-field crop rotation in the central part of the Forest-Steppe. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative and calculation. Results. In the autumn period, under minimum tillage by systematic ploughing, the density was in the range of 1.08–1.13 g/cm3 with a total porosity of 57–59% and a ratio of categories of moisture to air pores of 0.6–0.7 to 1 with K = 1.33–1.44. Under the No-till system for ploughing, the density of the structure was at the optimum level (1.08–1.18 g/cm3) with a porosity of 55–59% and a ratio of 0.4–0.6 to 1 with = 1.22–1.44. Under systematic surface tillage, the structure density was in the range of 1.02–1.14 g/cm3 with differentiation of 0–30 cm of soil layer: loose (1.02 g/cm3) – compacted (1.14 g/cm3) – loosened (1.12 g/cm3), which is closer to the optimal value than under ploughing and No-till tillage system. The total consumption of productive moisture reserves in parts of a metre thick layer was higher from the 50–100 cm layer: under ploughing – 61%, No-till tillage – 62%, surface tillage – 56%, No-till tillage – 61%, which can be explained by the developed root system of winter wheat in autumn. Under ploughing and surface tillage, the yield of wheat grain was the same, while under No-till, the yield of winter wheat grain was significantly lower by 1.08–1.27 t/ha and 1.62-2.06 t/ha, or by 19.0-21.3% and 24-31%. Under ploughing and surface tillage – protein 13.2–13.5%, crude gluten – 25.2–25.6%, and under No-till 12.5–12.7% and 24.2–25.4%, respectively. Conclusions. The analysis of crop yields under different methods of cultivation and fertilisation showed that in the first year of application of No-till systems, compared to ploughing and surface tillage, their low efficiency was revealed.

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