
A field experiment (2007–2016) was conducted to evaluate the performance of guava based hortipasture system in under rainfed situation in semi-arid condition. The experiment consisted 12 treatments i.e. 2 cultivars (Shweta and Lalit) with pasture (Cenchrus ciliaris + Stylosanthes hamata) under 6-treatment viz., vegetative barrier, staggered trenches (2m x 0.50m x 0.50m), stone mulch in basin (locally available stone in 50 cm radius), guava + pasture (without soil and water conservation), sole pasture and sole guava. The cultivar Lalit produced better yield (20 percent higher) as compared to Cv. Shweta. Over the nine years the average yield of pasture production with staggered trenches was higher (7.0 t DM/ha) followed by vegetative barriers (6.4 t DM/ha) as compared to control (T4). The minimum pasture production (5.3 t DM/ha) was recorded with stone mulch in basin. The pasture production in association with tree was little higher (6.1 t DM/ha) as compared to sole pasture (6.0 t DM/ha).

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