
The shortnose guitarfish ray, Zapteryx brevirostris , is constantly hauled by seven-beard-shrimp trawl nets are currently within the endangered species category. One means of preserving some aquatic species is to maintain them in a captive system such as tanks and aquariums, where it is possible to know their behaviors, as well as hematology and their well-being. The objective of this study was to analyze the productive performance and hematological analysis of Zapteryx brevirostris when submitted to different sediments in a captive system of water recirculation. For this, four treatments were used: Treatment 1 (gravel), treatment 2 (coarse sand), treatment 3 (medium sand) and treatment 4 (control) without sediment. At the end of the experiment, growth and weight data were taken for calculations of productive performance. Further, the hematological analysis was performed. The results showed that the species showed no significant difference for productive performance and hematological analysis in all treatments. However, treatment 3 (medium sand) was the only one to demonstrate weight gain, but the hematological analysis proved that the rays of all treatments were with hypochromic microcytic anemia. Thus, none of the treatments contributed to the productive performance and well-being of the rays.

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