
A counterintuitive scheme to produce ultracold hydrogen via fragmentation of laser cooled diatomic hydrides is presented where the final atomic H temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the molecular parent. In addition, the critical density for formation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) at a fixed temperature is reduced by a factor ratio hydrogen mass: parent mass raised to power 3/2 over directly cooled hydrogen atoms. The narrow Feshbach resonances between a singlet S atom and hydrogen are well suited to a tiny center of mass energy release necessary during fragmentation. With the support of ab initio quantum chemistry, it is demonstrated that BaH is an ideal diatomic precursor that can be laser cooled to a Doppler temperature of ~37 microKelvin with just two rovibronic transitions, the simplest molecular cooling scheme identified to date. Preparation of a hydrogen atom gas below the critical BEC temperature Tc is feasible with present cooling technology, with optical pulse control of the condensation process.

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