
We have previously demonstrated that a progestin-stimulatory factor(s) (PSF) is present in the supernate of concanavalin A-activated rat splenocytes. In the absence of FSH, PSF evokes dose-dependent increases in both progesterone and 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (20 alpha-OH-P) production by undifferentiated rat granulosa cells while basal estrogen production is unaffected. Because splenocytes are composed predominantly of T and B lymphocytes, we sought to determine if PSF production is restricted to one of these specific cell types. To accomplish this, dispersed splenocytes were prepared from the spleens of adult female rats. Macrophages were removed by standard adherence procedures, and highly enriched populations of T and B lymphocytes were obtained by negative selection panning utilizing monoclonal antibodies to T and B lymphocytes. Purity of the T- and B-cell populations (typically greater than 85-95%) was assessed by single-color flow cytometry. Enriched populations of T cells, B cells, or unseparated lymphocytes were then seeded into tissue culture flasks and stimulated with 2.5 micrograms/ml concanavalin A. Following a 48-h incubation at 37 degrees C, cytokine-rich fractions were prepared from the conditioned medium of these cultures by ammonium sulfate fractionation. The presence of PSF was assessed by the ability of the resulting fractions to specifically stimulate progestin production by undifferentiated rat granulosa cells in vitro. Granulosa cells were treated with increasing doses (ranging from 0-30% v/v) of supernatants from cultures of T cells, B cells, or unseparated splenocytes for 48 h. Media were removed and progesterone, 20 alpha-OH-P, and estrogen levels were quantified by RIA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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