
Highly purified polymeric flagellin preparations from 10 different Salmonella serotypes were used to produce specific Salmonella H antisera with high titers by the immunization of rabbits. Antigen emulsions in complete Freund adjuvant were administered at the rate of 50 micrograms per rabbit by multiple intradermal injection. Booster injections were given 110 days after the primary immunization. The immune response was monitored regularly over a period of 200 days. The results showed that the H titers, determined with 125I-labeled antigens, averaged 61,000 +/- 39,000, and the H agglutination titers of 83% of the animals were greater than 40,000. The high titers of the immunized animals persisted for approximately 4 months. The O agglutination titers of the antisera were less than 10 for 9 of the flagellin preparations and ranged from 10 to 320 for the remaining preparation. The antisera obtained were serotype specific after appropriate dilution.

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