
0009-3092/09/4506–0440 © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. In Algeria, gas condensates occupy second place after crude with respect to volume of recovery. They are exported to France, Belgium, countries of South America, and certain other countries, and are also used to produce the 85-180°C cut and diesel fuel. The 85-180°C cut is directed into a reformer for the production of high-octane reformate. Algerian gas condensates contain mixtures of paraffins and naphthenes, and also a small amount of aromatic hydrocarbons. Since these condensates have a paraffin-naphthene base, it is possible to use them as pyrolysis feedstock for the production of olefins and aromatic condensates [1, 2]. The olefin hydrocarbons serve as feedstock for the production of polymers, and the aromatic hydrocarbons as feedstock for pyrolysis – high-octane additives to premium-grade commercial gasolines At the present time, low-octane gasoline cuts are subjected to pyrolysis, as a result of which the volume of the 85-180°C cut – reformer feedstock, is reduced. The purpose of this paper is to investigate laws governing pyrolysis of the 36-279°C cut of gas condensate, and ascertain optimal conditions for the production of ethylene and propylene. Physico-chemical characteristics of this cut are presented below:

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