
Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer rich in nutrients, beneficial microbes, and plant growth hormones that not only enhances the growth of crops but also contributes to the improvement in the physicochemical and biological properties of the soil. However, its lower nutrient content makes it less preferable among farmers and limits its applicability. Here, we investigate, for the first time, nutrient enrichment of vermicompost by supplementing the free-floating macrophyte biomass with cow manure and organic nutrient supplements (eggshell, bone meal, banana peel, and tea waste). Free-floating macrophytes are aquatic plants that are found suspended on the water surface, playing a significant role in the structural and functional aspects of aquatic ecosystems. However, uncontrolled proliferation of these macrophytes endangers these ecosystems, having both economic and ecological implications; therefore, they need to be managed. Results showed an enhanced total nitrogen (2.87%), total phosphorus (0.86%), total potassium (3.74%), and other nutrients in vermicompost amended with cow manure and nutrient supplements. Highest biomass gain (710–782 mg), growth rate (11.83–13.04 mg), and reproduction rate (3.34–3.75 cocoons per worm) was also observed, indicating that amending bulking agent and nutrient supplements not only enhance the nutrient content of the final product but also improve overall earthworm activity. The stability and maturity of vermicompost, as indicated by C/N (<20) and Germination Index (>80), indicates that vermicompost obtained is suitable for agricultural applications. The study concluded that amendment of cow manure and organic nutrient supplements results in producing mature and nutrient-enriched vermicompost suitable for sustainable agricultural production.

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