
seven diverse lines of tomato lines; viz, AL-1-4-1-7, HEL- 21-18, RED-8-2, EUR-6-1, D-7-4-1, JUM-14-16 and NADY-1- 2, were crossed in 7×7 a half diallel mating design. The study was made at The Experimental Farm of Fac. Environ. Agric. Sci., Arish University, North Sinai, Egypt to produce superior hybrids tolerant to TYLCV. For heterotic effect, heterosis over mid-parents, better parent and check hybrid were detected in many traits, viz.; plant height, No. of leaves, Fruit set (%) in first three clusters, hardness, T.S.S., total yield/plant and Average fruit weight. For plant height heterosis, 12 crosses exhibited significant positive values ranging from 5.83% in the cross (4x7) to 23.8% in the cross (1x5) over the check hybrid, and for number of leaves/plant 15 ones reflected mid-parents heterosis with significant values ranging from 8.23% for 1x6 to 59.4% for 2x6, suggesting dominance toward the high number/plant. Hybrids with good hardness were (1x7,2x4,2x7,3x4, and 4x7), total yield (1x5, 2x6, 2x7,4x5,4x7,5x6,5x7, and 6x7), and they also are tolerance to heat stress and TYLCV under North Sinai conditions.

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