
Present work reports the production of 128I atoms through 127I (n,g) 128I reactions in six iodine containing compounds (viz. NaI, NaIO3, NaIO4, KI, KIO3 and KIO4) in solid state. An 241Am-Be neutron source has been used for the production of 128 I atoms. The radioactivities produced have been measured by a thin end-window G.M. Counter. The irradiation time and counting geometry were constant throughout the present sets of experiments. Results obtained have been analyzed through time-decay analyses. From the decay curves, the half life of 128I has been estimated ~25 minutes. The average zero time activities of 128I from three independent measurements in each of NaI, NaIO3.H2O, NaIO4, KI, KIO3 and KIO4 target, have been found 116 ± 2, 92 ± 4, 88 ± 6, 102 ± 6, 98 ± 1 and 93 ± 5 cpm respectively. It is interesting to note that the activities show a decreasing trend while passing through either from NaI to NaIO4 or from KI to KIO4. Results are attributed to the quantity of 128I produced in a specified volume element and, self absorption and self scattering of radiations within the target compounds studied. Keywords: Iodocompounds; 128I; 241Am-Be neutron source; Chemical effects of nuclear transformation.© 2011 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.doi:10.3329/jsr.v3i2.6385 J. Sci. Res. 3 (2), 357-366 (2011)

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