
Several observations of electron magnetic resonance in human teeth in vitro are reported. An initial search in the unirradiated material at room temperature disclosed no paramagnetic resonances in the region 3300-- 10200 gauss. Immediately following the 2.5 days after irradiation electron magnetic resonances spectra were observed at room temperature. The spectra exhibit three salient features: a broad line centered at g = 2.003 and approximately 20 gauss wide between the inflexion points; a Pake shape line the absorption curve maximum of which lies at g = 2.0004; and a weak doublet centered at g = 2.0029 plus or minus 0.0003, corrected for second-order effects, and a splitting of 498 plus or minus 2 gauss. Several conclusive arguments are made for the identification of a doublet in one spectrum as hydrogen atoms. (P.C.H.)

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