
Preliminary calculations suggest that 530 million tons of hydrogen can be obtained from the utilization of heat from blast-furnace and converter processes in the global steel production, which is approximately 8 times higher than the current annual production of hydrogen (75 million tons).Mankind, already now, by introducing everywhere the technology of utilizing the heat of cooling steel for the pyrolysis of methane, can achieve an 8-fold excess of world hydrogen production.To date, the use of heat from metallurgical processes (steel) for methane pyrolysis using all available possibilities for the maximum high-quality and relatively cheap separation of methane into soot and hydrogen is an important tactical task. In the process of globally organized petrochemical production of hydrogen by cracking methane in the steelmaking process, it is possible to arrange the production of high-purity hydrogen and high-purity carbon for further synthesis of tubulenes, graphene-like and fullerene-like materials. However, the following tasks stand in the way of this problem: 1) careful study of the behavior of saturated hydrocarbons, including methane at near-critical parameters and supercritical parameters, 2) organization of the optimal process for removing soot (carbon) from a catalytic cracking processor, 3) profiling the optimal design of catalytic cracking – processor.

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