
An Escherichia coli K 12 strain has been constructed for efficient expression of recombinant biologically active human IL-8 (Interleukin-8). The development of a fermentation and purification process from the laboratory scale (cells from 15 l fermentation broth) to a production scale (cells from 200 l fermentation broth) is described. Material obtained from the laboratory scale was used for initial in vitro studies and for the development of a biological assay. An upscale purification process starting from 80 l fermentation broth resulted in larger amounts of IL-8 needed for preclinical studies. This process includes a fully automated control of the initial affinity chromatography step. Finally, a production process which differed markedly from the small-scale processes was tailor-made for GMP conformity and economic considerations. It consists of a cell disruption step followed by two crossflow diafiltrations with different molecular weight cut offs and filtration rates, one cation exchange chromatography and a final dialysis step. In order to enhance the overall yield of biologically active IL-8, conditions for a resolubilisation of insoluble IL-8 present in the remaining pellet after cell disruption were worked out.

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