
Abstract: In the present investigation production of glucose was achieved in batch reactors from hydrolysisof lignocellulose under extremely low acid (ELA) and high temperature condition by pretreating the sawdustby Auto-hydrolysis ab initio . The maximum glucose yield obtained was 70% for the pretreated sawdust t a210°C in the 18th minute of the experiment. This value is 1.4 times maximum glucose obtained from the untreate dsawdust under the same condition. The glucose yield gradually decreases after the 20 min of reaction due o tits decomposition. Key words: Glucose, lignocellulosics, auto-hydrolysis, kinetics, cellulose hydrolysis INTRODUCTION environmental effect. Recent findings have proven thatProduction of glucose from biomass origin isa cellulose hydrolysis under the ELA conditions usingcommon process of saccharification employed in the batch reactor. Also Ojumu et al. reported 210 and 220°Cindustries. There have been numerous literatures n as suitable reaction temperature for ELA. ohydrolysis of cellulose and lignocellulose

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