
Biohumus-based preparations are widespread in agricultural production due to the high content of nutrients for plants, which improve their growth and development and, as a result, productivity. GTK indicates sufficient moisture during the growing season, but, given the nature of precipitation, in certain periods, pea plants that are sensitive to moisture, experience a lack of it in the soil and atmospheric air. The research was carried out in the farm Belousov I.V. of Starozhilovsky district. The area of plots is 40 m2. Water for the preparation of the drug solution was taken from a pond located 20 m from the pea field. The object of the study is the seed pea (Pisumsativum), which belongs to the Fabaceae family, the genus Pisum, which forms nodules on metamorphosed roots. As a result, there is a different intensity of nutrient and water consumption in ontogenesis. Watering and spraying pea plants with Humistar preparation made it possible to reliably prove high agronomic and economic efficiency in option 2: activation of enzymes, an increase in the mass of nodules on roots to 69 mg/plant, an improvement in growth to 57 cm and plant development by 5–15 days, an increase in peas yield up to 27,7 dt/ha, accumulation of dry matter in seeds up to 59 g and an increase in the level of profitability up to 80,7%.

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