
In this paper we report on the production ofsingle-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) by the laser-ablationtechnique using graphite, pitch and coke as carbonaceousfeedstock materials. Using a continuous-wave CO2-laser a widerange of experimental conditions have been studied bysystematically varying the nature and the concentration of themetal catalyst, the type and pressure of the buffer-gas as well asthe laser conditions. Employing graphite as a precursor material,the experimental parameters have been optimized in order tosynthesize high-density SWNT material. On the other hand, using pitchand coke as carbonaceous feedstock materials can lead tothe formation of SWNT. However, the amount of SWNTmaterial obtained is much lower than in the case of graphite. Wequalitatively analyse the whole synthesis process and show thatthe formation of SWNT is closely related to the use of anappropriate feedstock material as well as to favourable localtemperature conditions experienced by the evaporated species.

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