
Depletion of petroleum fuels and their rising cost have directed towards an intensive search for substitute fuels. In the present work, a potential feedstock for biodiesel production is identified as sesame oil biodiesel. Raw sesame oil is collected from the market and biodiesel from raw oil is produced through the trans-esterification process in the laboratory. A highest biodiesel yield of 92.1% was achieved, when esterification process is performed with 10:1 ethanol to oil ratio and 2.3% sodium hydroxide at 60 °C for 90 min. Thermo-physical properties are investigated with the help of different experimental apparatus. Comparison with Bureau of Indian Standards (IS 15607:2016) reveals the suitability of sesame oil biodiesel used as an alternative fuel for compression-ignition engine. Experimental study is performed for different blends of sesame oil biodiesel and diesel fuel (SOEE20, SOEE40, SOEE60, SOEE80, SOEE100), mineral diesel and raw sesame oil to recognize the suitability of blends to be use as a fuel for diesel engine.

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