
In this study, we investigated the production of natural benzoic acid (BA) in skim milk fermentation by 5 kinds of commercial cheese starters. Five kinds of starter were inoculated into 10% reconstituted skim milk, and then the culture was incubated at 2-h intervals for 10 h at 30, 35, and 40°C. In fermentation by MW 046 N+LH 13, the starter for making raclette, BA was highly detected after 8 h at 30 and 35°C. In fermentation by LH 13, the starter for making berg, BA steadily increased and was highly detected at 40°C. In fermentation by TCC-3+TCC-4, the starter for making Caciocavallo and mozzarella, BA was detected after 2 h at 40°C. Also, BA was detected after 4 and 8 h at 35 and 30°C, respectively. In fermentation by Flora-Danica, the starter for making Gouda, BA was increased until 6 h and decreased after 6 h at all temperatures. Among the 5 kinds of fermentation, the level of BA was the highest in fermentation by Flora-Danica at 6 h at 35°C, at 14.55 mg/kg.

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