
Four fungal isolates that were able to use vegetable tissues for multiplication in soil were isolated and identified as Pseudallescheria boydii based on morphological characteristics and ITS sequence similarity. When grown in broth prepared from the same vegetable tissues used in soil amendment, all these isolates of P. boydii produced a substance capable of reducing the disease incidence of black leaf spot of spoon cabbage caused by Alternaria brassicicola and inhibiting the germination of A. brassicicola conidia. The substance, which was fungistatic, was very stable under high temperature and high or low pH value. It was soluble in polar solvents and insoluble in non-polar solvents. Molecular weight estimation and ion exchange ability tests suggest that the fungistatic compound has a molecular weight between 500 and 1,000 and has no charge on its molecule. Results from this study suggest the possession of a strong competitive saprophytic ability by P. boydii, which in turn may explain the widespread occurrence of this human pathogen in soil. Production of a fungistatic substance when P. boydii was grown in broth prepared from vegetable tissues suggests the importance of antibiotic production in its competitive saprophytic colonization of organic matters in soil.

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