
In the era of Industry 4.0, Production Logistic Digital Twins (PLDTs) have garnered remarkable attention from both academic and industrial communities. This is evident from the growing number of research publications on PLDTs in international scientific journals and conferences. However, given the diversity and complexity of production logistics activities, there is a pressing need for systematic literature review to chart past research and identify potential directions for future endeavors. Therefore, this study primarily focuses on the application of Digital Twins (DTs) in Production Logistics (PL). Firstly, an analysis of PLDTs research profiling is carried out based on general trends, keywords, application scenarios, and basic functions. Secondly, the functional characteristics of PLDTs are examined while summarizing their advantages and limitations across various application scenarios such as transportation, packaging, warehousing, material distribution, and information processing. And the roles played by smart technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) in PLDTs system are discussed. Finally, possible challenges and future directions of PLDTs in industrial application are presented, accompanied by appropriate classification and extensive recommendations.

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