
Small defects in the grain or major damage to a moulded part or tool can bring production to a standstill. SMEs in particular have neither the personnel nor the equipment to repair such damage on their own, so they send it to specialised contractors. The repair process is carried out manually, depending on the accuracy requirements, and is usually completed by a finishing process. This work requires qualified personnel and, at the same time, requires a lot of time in case of larger damages. In this paper we present a way to map the Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) process chain in a partially automated manner.The symbiosis of individual technologies results in a significantly increased efficiency of the MRO process chain, which continues to focus on people and their process knowledge.While Directed Energy Deposition (DED) for the MRO of moulded parts is used widely, usually a high manual effort in measuring the component geometries and teaching of the machine tool paths is necessary. However, there are clear advantages compared to the manufacture of new parts or manual laser welding repair. At the same time, the resource and energy requirements can often be significantly reduced compared to new part production. Promo focuses on automating the time-consuming machine programming by reducing the number of necessary work steps in CAD/CAM-based program creation.Based on a subsequent robot-guided scan, a digital actual 3D model is generated. Due to intelligent path planning algorithms, no manual programming of the robot is necessary and at the same time it is possible to detect components of different sizes, shapes and covers in this system with a minimum of effort. In addition, the operator passes on elementary information, such as the approach path of the milling head, to the subsequent processes by means of finger gestures and can thus significantly reduce tedious CAM programming steps. Now, the scanned component is transferred to a 3D-CAD model and a target/actual comparison is created for the damaged areas. Those are milled out in a defined manner and then restored using DED.

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