
The impact of green microalgae biodiesel, a biodiesel obtained from the ladophora and fucus species, on an alternative fuel process for diesel engines is investigated in this study. The research focuses on important components of a single-cylinder diesel engine’s combustion performance and emissions characteristics. Three distinct fuels were investigated for the experimental and numerical development: commercial diesel, a green microalgae biodiesel made from Cladophora and Fucus species material, and commercial diesel. The engine ran in three separate modes, all of which were tested according to international standards. The use of Cladophora and Fucus green biodiesel reduces thermal efficiency, according to the findings. Fuel usage is expected to rise by 6%. In comparison to diesel, the emissions analysis revealed that Cladophora and Fucus green biodiesel with less than 60%. Cladophora and Fucus in the biodiesel enables the minimization of pollutant levels of NOx and summary of emissions. When compared to diesel fuelled engines, the spray penetration and sauter diameter of the Fucus green diesel fuelled engine increased by 2.23% and 0.88%, respectively. NOx emissions and a summary of emissions, which are influenced by the inclusion of Cladophora and Fucus green diesel mixed fuel.

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