
The present study pertains to a small but innovative farmer, having a land-holding of just 2.5 ha, who adopted integrated farming including protected cultivation of vegetables in three net houses covering an area of 1500 m2, open cultivation of cash crops in one hectare, processing of tomatoes, turmeric, mushroom (dhingri) cultivation, livestock, vermi-composting, and growing of general crops, like basmati, wheat and fodder in one hectare. Budgeting Technique and other statistical tools have been applied to work out the economics of his adopted separate enterprises as well as the entire integrated system as a whole. For the purpose of marketing and disposal of his produce, the vehicle, being used to sell small packets of well graded fresh vegetables to well defined clientele at some fixed destinations within the district on a particular time during the days of weeks, has also been purchased after having availed the subsidy of the due kind from the National Horticultural Mission. He is earning a net income in the tune of more than 8 lakh per annum. The economics of his farm speaks volume of his entrepreneurial ability and the hidden strength of new technologies and farm integration.

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