
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding the ionophore lasalocid on the productivity and health of seasonally calving, pasture-fed dairy cows. Dairy cows (n = 1020) from 4 herds were enrolled in a split-herd, prospective intervention study. Cows were blocked by breed and age, ranked on previous production, and then assigned to 2 treatment groups. Treatment cows were each exposed to 300 to 350mg of lasalocid/d commencing 3 wk before and ending 18 wk after the start of the seasonal calving period. Milk production was determined on 3 occasions for each cow at approximately monthly intervals (herd tests 1 to 3), body condition score was determined fortnightly, and all disease occurrences were recorded. Lasalocid treatment increased milk volume milk protein and milk fat production by ∼2%, without altering milk composition. Fewer lasalocid-treated cows than control cows (7.3 vs. 11.6%, respectively) were diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Lasalocid treatment of pasture-fed dairy cows resulted in reduced mastitis incidence and increased milk production without changes in body condition or negative effects on metabolic processes as monitored by metabolite concentrations.

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