
Limited resources for hospitalized treatment of Indias nearly 8 million children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) make community management of SAM a priority. Capability to produce sufficient quantities of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is one component of preparedness for community management of SAM. Production of RUTF is a simple process that consists of grinding, mixing and packaging using widely available equipment. Nitrogen flush packaging increases shelf life to 2 years though it is the most expensive and slowest step of the production process. Being a therapeutic product, quality and safety must be ensured including aflatoxin measurement and estimation of micronutrient and macronutrient content consistently. RUTF can be made in India in several production models (i) Dairy cooperatives and private manufacturers can produce large quantities to meet regional requirements, (ii) small and niche food manufacturers can produce smaller volumes but have a major presence in most parts of India; and (iii) hand made RUTF can be made by village industries for immediate local consumption. All the ingredients and equipment for RUTF are widely available in India RUTF is already being produced in India for export. Concerns from various sections of society will need to be heard before community management of SAM using therapeutic, processed nutritional products can begin. Despite apprehensions about processed RUTFs or the sections of the public health community that press for its use, withholding alternative treatment for one of the largest killers of Indias children must not be the option. It is time public health/ medical communities and civil society come together to make effective community management of SAM an immediate reality.

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