
In modern urban conditions of dense construction, as well as in the production of special works in the mining industry, new quality materials for non-explosive destruction of buildings, structures and rocks are required. Such material is non-explosive expanding mixtures (LDCs). LDCs are used in cases when the destruction of rocks by explosion unacceptable due to the dangerous consequences associated with the violation of stability of rock massif and negative seismic manifestations of the explosion. Non-explosive expanding mixtures are widespread in mining and construction works in many countries: the USA, Japan, Canada, the Czech Republic and others. They are used in the extraction of stone blocks, cutting of oversized, destruction of concrete structures, etc. Specialists of the academic University, research Institute and industry representative developed a product that is not inferior, and even superior to domestic and foreign analogues. The maximum developed pressure on the walls of the hole reaches 187.5 MPa. To date, the Russian market is represented by cheap, but lower in quality LDCs produced in China. Domestic development directly meets all the conditions of the Russian government Decree on import substitution. The article describes the main types of LDCs, the fundamental differences from analogues in the mode of production (firing). The mechanism of impact on the mountain range is considered. The main advantages of this material are indicated. The scope of the compositions is very extensive is the construction work in cramped conditions (ie. near buildings and structures, highways, industrial communications, settlements, in existing shops, etc.), mining of piece stone, crushing array (burrs, oversized, etc.), careful extraction of crystalline materials, work on dismantling of building structures, etc. it is Advisable to use these compounds in those places where it is not possible to use explosives.


  • The scope of the compositions is very extensive is the construction work in cramped conditions, mining of piece stone, crushing array, careful extraction of crystalline materials, work on dismantling of building structures, etc. it is Advisable to use these compounds in those places where it is not possible to use explosives

  • Данные составы абсолютно безопасны для окружающей среды, так как процесс разрушения не вызывает ударной воздушной волны, не производит сейсмического эффекта, а также не выделяет вредных газообразных продуктов

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Near buildings and structures, highways, industrial communications, settlements, in existing shops, etc.), mining of piece stone, crushing array (burrs, oversized, etc.), careful extraction of crystalline materials, work on dismantling of building structures, etc. Для снижения затрат при выемке из массива и сохранения целостности штучных блоков облицовочных горных пород на камнедобывающих предприятиях, вторичном дроблении негабарита и разрушении строительных объектов в стесненных условиях с 1979 года начался выпуск невзрывных разрушающих смесей компаниями ОнодаСимеит Ко ЛТД («Бристар», Япония), СумитомоСимент Ко ЛТД («С-Майт», Япония), Ниппон Симент Ко («Хемибрейкер», Япония), For citation Flyagin A. Основополагающей задачей для горнодобывающей и строительной отраслей является сокращение затрат на буровзрывные работы и повышение безопасности труда при использовании невзрывных расширяющихся смесей (НРС).

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