
This paper is based on the ongoing studies that examines the notion of producing knowledge and pursuing academic activities under exceptional circumstances. It is argued that academia and scientific institutions are under scrutiny in terms of their independence, neutrality and quality of producing knowledge and scientific achievements. In the countries that have lesser chance for freedom of expression and dialogue atmosphere, scientific institutions are naturally under less advantage academic conditions. Arguably, they are directly connected to the interests and the will of the state or powerful groups in society. Thus, this paper tries to shed light on the conditions within which universities and academic institutions in war zones and areas besieged by chaos and state failure. The paper is written with a focus on Syria and particularly on North Eastern Self Administration entity of Rojava. The paper tries to look at the challenges that these institutions are facing, in terms frameworks and recognition, freedom of works and limitations, risk of life and safety, and most importantly, the quality of producing knowledge and their academic staff. Another aspect that this paper tries to highlight is the claim of providing new and different style of knowledge productions out of the frame of mainstream style of academia in the world. How alternative and radical modes and methods of teaching and learning can develop in such an environment? What forms of relations between academia and society are developed, and what are the main obstacles in front of these relations? For this purpose, the focus will be on two recently established universities in Rojava, ‘University of Rojava and Kobane University’. My contribution is based on my experiences of working as an instructor of social and political thoughts at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Rojava as well as my multiple visits to the actual Area of Syria and Rojava and conducting interviews with students, staff, and education policy makers in this region.

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