
6111 Aluminium Alloy in the hot band state was cold rolled to 80% was then annealed at 450oC, 500oC and 540oC for recrystallization. The hot band was also solution heat treated, cold rolled and annealed to the same temperature to look at the difference in the recrystallization texture and precipitation states. It was found that the samples which were cold rolled and annealed without solution heat treatment gave Goss and P components after annealing. For the samples with solution heat treatment, the 450oC sample has a retained Cu type rolling texture while for the 500oC and 540oC the textures are quite random. The retained rolling texture found in the 450oC sample is due to the fact that it was partially recrystallized as the precipitates prevent complete recrystallization. The difference in the precipitation states during and after annealing of the samples with and without solution heat treatment affects the final recrystallization texture.

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