
Since Antiquity the slave trade in the Adriatic had been a long term activity which had an important impact on the economy of the Dalmatian communes. The status of slaves and their traffic was originally regulated by the Statutes of individual Dalmatian towns. With the appearance of Ottomans in late Middle Ages into their hinterland numerous changes occurred. The traffic in slaves was redirected towards the east where the Christian captives were then sold. Nevertheless, with the new intensity of Christian warfare against the Ottomans, the Muslim slave trade from the Ottoman Empire increased particularly in Dalmatian marketplaces which were mediatory because the real trade of Ottoman subjects was across the Adriatic on the Apennine Peninsula. This traffic reached a special intensity during the Candian and Morean Wars in the second half of the 17th century. The trade of the Ottoman captives in the Adriatic, how they were kept and sold, including the legal regulations of the trade from the Venetian and Papal points of view in the 17th century, are discussed in this paper.


  • Prva, kraća verzija ovog članka bila je predstavljena na engleskom jeziku na drugoj međunarodnoj radionici za mlade istraživače “Venice overseas 14001800” (Venecija, 28. svibnja 2011.), a na hrvatskom jeziku na 4. kongresu hrvatskih povjesničara u Zagrebu (1.-4. listopada 2012.) gdje je glavna tema bila sloboda

  • This paper presents some examples of the slave trade within the Christian societies in the Adriatic in the early modern age with special attention to the 17th century when a significant increase in this trade occurred due to the Venetian-Ottoman conflicts

  • Moje dosadašnje saznanje dopušta mi zaključiti da je trgovačka ruta prodaje robova koja je u 17. stoljeću išla iz pravca Bosne preko Dalmacije i dalje za Apeninski poluotok bila vjerojatno jednako tako intenzivna kao i ona u pravcu prodaje kršćanskih robova prema Maloj Aziji u tom i prethodnom stoljeću

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Tea Perinčić Mayhew

Trgovina robljem dugotrajna je aktivnost koja je imala značajnog udjela u gospodarstvu dalmatinskih komuna još iz antičkog doba. With the new intensity of Christian warfare against the Ottomans, the Muslim slave trade from the Ottoman Empire increased in Dalmatian marketplaces which were mediatory because the real trade of Ottoman subjects was across the Adriatic on the Apennine Peninsula. This traffic reached a special intensity during the Candian and Morean Wars in the second half of the 17th century.

Srednjovjekovni kontinuitet trgovine robljem
Medieval continuation of the slave trade
Promjene ruta nakon dolaska Osmanlija
Trading Route changes after the Ottoman arrival
Cijena roba
Price of a Slave
On the other side of the Adriatic
Illegal slave trade
Alessandro Diedo
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