
Abstract. This community service was carried out in Wanujoyo Lor Hamlet, Srimartani, Piyungan Bantul, which is 22 KM from the UMY campus, with RT 01 residents as partners. The first problem faced by RT01 residents was the lack of street lighting around the hamlet. The residents found it difficult to carry out activities via the road at night without additional lighting and also the security factor of the hamlet which is vulnerable to crime. The second was that many residents of the RT01 community are still unfamiliar with the knowledge of safe electrical installations. There were two solutions offered. The first was procuring street lighting in the form of poles, lampshades, and cables as well as other supporting materials that are waterproof so that they are more durable in all types of weather. The second was by holding counseling about the names of electrical devices from the original/foreign language and safe electrical installations based on safety standards. The method used was the procurement of tools, counseling, training, and mentoring. Counseling and training began by providing counseling about the original names of electrical tools that come from their original languages and the functions of these tools. Then, training on safe electrical installations and how to make them was conducted. Finally, it was ended by mentoring and evaluation of this service program.

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