
The paper analyzes different Procrustes models that affect democracy in BiH and RS. The phrase “Procrustes Model” implies molding into a given pattern, regardless of the fact that it may mean unfreedom and chains for democracy. The hypothesis is that democracy in terms of Aristotle is a negative form of ruling and it is necessary to view its weaknesses and distortions. The paper deals in particular with Procrustes patterns such as the elimination of criticism, i.e. intellectuals from the politics area, partocracy, democracy as an elevated stick, credit balloon, IMF loans and other rigid forms of democracy molding. The arrogance of leaders of the new world order, disrespect for international norms, advocating “knowledgeable society”, different ideas of democracy from the three nations in BiH, their different views of Europe and other misconceptions are also a Procrustes’s pattern which enchains the people in BiH and RS. All in all, the paper offers a series of insights into the weaknesses of democracy in BiH and illuminates disillusions which we have lived with for years.

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