
The article considers technologies for the processing of technogenic formations by additional extraction of target components, reduction of waste at the stages of enrichment and after chemical and metallurgical processing. This approach is fundamentally different from the existing basic outlines of the use of technogenic waste as secondary resources in the production of building materials. It is noted that in the tailings of dry magnetic separation of magnetite ores there are fine particles with iron concentration, which are of commercial interest. At the first stage, it is necessary to mechanically separate small classes from the total number of waste rocks. The solution to this problem is based on the use of high-performance air classification methods. The use of apparatuses with an inclined louvered grating is considered, for which the parameters of the degree of fractional extraction of magnetic separation tailings into a fine product are determined. The second stage of tailings enrichment consists in dry magnetic extraction of iron-containing particles from small classes. For these purposes, the use of new magnetic separators, specially developed earlier for working with magnetite particles of small sizes, is discussed. Taken together, this approach makes it possible to increase the overall degree of iron extraction from ore without additional grinding operations and significant financial costs. Another direction of the industrial application of the proposed technologies for the processing of technogenic waste relates to the production of phosphorus. The phosphorus industry is a promising sector of the chemical industry. But its development also bears negative features in the form of largetonnage waste generated after chemical and metallurgical processing. Among them, phosphorus sludge is the most aggressive - it is a drop of phosphorus in an aqueous medium, absorption by a "fur coat" from a mixture of dust and other products associated with phosphorus by absorption bonds in micelles. Applications are being considered for two developed phosphorus mining targets. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to destroy the mineralogical shell of micelles. Then the released phosphorus settles to the bottom due to the higher density and separation occurs. In the first approach, the destruction of the micelle shell is carried out chemically. In the second proposed technology, the destruction process occurs due to the physical cavitation effect, which is created by elastic acoustic vibrations of sound and ultrasonic frequencies. Experimental studies of the application of these technologies to sludge with a phosphorus content of 10-90% have shown the degree of phosphorus recovery of more than 95%.

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