
Various computer programs have been developed for gas lift wells. Existing programs have certain advantages as well as disadvantages. These shortcomings are due to the large number of parameters included in the program, difficulties in ensuring the operation of wells in the interval between optimal and maximum modes in mining conditions, while it is possible to use them in wells, but their application in wells operating with the fountain-gaslift operation method is not intended. Current programs do not allow to group wells and determine the optimal modes of other wells included in the group as a result of processing the three-mode data of one well. For this reason, there is a need to develop it. Compared to other programs in mining conditions, the new computer program, which is easier to use and the accuracy of the obtained results is higher, allows the wells working with the fountain-gaslift and gaslift method to be operated in the interval between the optimal mode and the maximum mode based on the processing of research materials in three modes. With the help of this program, it is possible to calculate the optimal and maximum modes for fountain-gas lift and gas lift wells, graphically describe the results of equal processing in new coordinates and group the wells.

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