
Six sillenite compounds Bi12MO20‐δ (M = Si, Ge, Ti, Pb, Mn, B1/2P1/2) were synthesized, and the resulting single‐phase powders were then sintered to obtain ∼97% dense ceramics. An analysis of their microwave dielectric properties, performed at ∼5.5 GHz, revealed a permittivity of ∼40 for all six compounds. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency was the lowest for the Pb analogue (−84 ppm/K) and was found to increase with increasing ionic radius of the B‐site ion to a value of −20 ppm/K for the Bi12SiO20 and Bi12(B1/2P1/2)O20 compounds. The Q×f value is a maximum for Bi12SiO20 and Bi12GeO20 with 8100 and 7800 GHz, respectively. The dielectric properties of the sillenites have been correlated with the structure of the oxygen network of the sillenite crystal lattice. As a result of its low sintering temperature (850°C), chemical compatibility with silver, low dielectric losses, and temperature‐stable permittivity, the Bi12SiO20 compound is a suitable material for applications in low‐temperature cofiring ceramic (LTCC) technology.

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