
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in the Baltimore and adjacent Chesapeake Bay in July 1997. Time series of 4- and 12-h samples were taken at two sites 15 km apart in order to evaluate the influence of a number of processes on the short-term variability of PAH in the Baltimore and northern Chesapeake Bay atmospheres. PAH concentrations were 2–3-fold higher in the Baltimore atmosphere than in the adjacent Chesapeake Bay atmosphere. For example, gas-phase phenanthrene and pyrene concentrations were 12.5 and 2.14 ng m −3 in the Baltimore site and 5.57 and 0.548 ng m −3 in the Chesapeake Bay, respectively. The influence of wind direction, wind speed and temperature was evaluated by multiple linear regressions which indicated that atmospheric gas-phase PAH concentrations over the Chesapeake Bay were significantly higher when the air mass was from the urban/industrial Baltimore area. Furthermore, the increase of gas-phase low-MW PAH concentrations with temperature and wind speed suggests that volatilization from the bay is an important source of pollutants to the atmosphere, at least when air masses are not influenced by the Baltimore urban and industrial area. Indeed, while on the long-term, the Chesapeake Bay is a receptor of atmospherically deposited PAHs, on the short-term and during appropriate meteorological conditions, the bay acts as a source of pollutants to the atmosphere. Aerosol-phase PAH concentrations and temporal trends showed a strong dependence on aerosol soot content due to the high affinity of PAHs to the graphitic structure of soot. These results confirm the important influence of urban areas as a source of pollution to adjacent aquatic environments and as a driving factor of the short-term variability, either directly by transport of urban-generated pollutants or by volatilization of previously deposited pollutants. Conversely, the complex diurnal trends of gas-phase PAHs at the Baltimore site suggests that degradation processes dominate the diurnal trends of PAHs in urban atmospheres. This conclusion is supported by estimated rate constants for PAH reaction with OH radicals which show good agreement with reported values within a factor of two.

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