
Electroencephalogram (EEG)-guided anesthesia is indispensable in modern operating rooms and has become established as the standard form of monitoring. Many anesthesiologists rely on processed EEG indices in the hope of averting anesthesia-related complications, such as intraoperative awareness, postoperative delirium and other cognitive complications in their patients. This educational review aims to provide information on the five most prevalent monitors used to guide depth of sedation during general anesthesia. This article elucidates the principles underpinning the application of these monitors where known, which are generally based on power in various EEG frequency bands and on the burst suppression pattern. Convinced that EEG-guided anesthesia has the potential of benefitting many surgical patients, it is felt that many basic principles and shortcomings of processed EEG indices need to be better understood in the clinical practice. After discussing the different monitors and clinically relevant data from the literature, the article gives a short practical guidance on how to critically interpret processed EEG information and troubleshooting of confounded indices in the context of clinical situations.

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