
The area covered by the Itabira-Ferros Project is located in the Iron Quadrangle, State ofMinas Gerais, and is known for its emerald occurrences. The present study applies geophysical characteristics, using airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data and their integration with geology, to determine probable zones of emerald mineralization. The total count gamma-ray image allows the definition of the spectrometric framework ofthe area. Analyses ofthe elements K, Th, and U distribution were conducted together with RGB and CMY ternary images, leading to the identification of spectrometric geological units and structures. A total of 20 gamma-ray spectrometric units is identified for the region. Most ofthem are correlated to mapped units geological and others with no apparent correlation. A map with interpreted garnma-ray spectrometric structures shows that mineralizations are located in areas of extreme faulting, specially at the edges ofthe sigmoidal feature in unitill, reflecting ductile displacement. Known mineralizations form a belt, trend like structure in NW-SE direction, between two faults in the sarne direction and the cities of Joao Monlevade and Dores de Guanhaes. Emerald mineralizations are located in the eastern portion ofthe sigmoid, others mineralizations are directly related to the sigmoid at its central portion and to other NW features cutting the area.

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