
Despite the considerable number of publications on ICU patient flow and analysis of its variability, a basic and practically important question remained unanswered: what maximum number of elective surgeries per day should be scheduled (along with the competing demand from emergency surgeries) in order to reduce diversion in an ICU with fixed bed capacity to an acceptable low level, or prevent it at all? The goal of this work was to develop a methodology to answer this question. An ICU patient flow simulation model was developed to establish a quantitative link between the daily load leveling of elective surgeries (elective schedule smoothing) and ICU diversion. It was demonstrated that by scheduling not more than four elective surgeries per day ICU diversion due to 'no ICU beds' would be practically eliminated. However this would require bumping 'extra' daily surgeries to the block time day of another week which could be up to 2 months apart. Because not all patients could wait that long for their elective surgery, another more practical scenario was tested that would also result in a very low ICU diversion: bumping 'extra' daily elective surgeries within less than 2 weeks apart, scheduling not more than five elective surgeries per day, and strict adherence to the ICU admission/ discharge criteria.

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