
AbstractThis chapter introduces notations for process modeling and gives an overview of tool support for process modeling and management. The chapter is structured into three main parts. First, it introduces a set of criteria for process modeling notations in order to enable the reader to distinguish different process modeling notations and to understand that different purposes might be addressed by different notations. Second, it discusses two different process modeling notations, namely, MVP-L and SPEM 2.0, and characterizes them according to the previously defined criteria. Finally, it introduces process management tools by discussing the ECMA/NIST framework and the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Composer. Figure 4.1 displays an overview of the chapter structure.KeywordsProcess Modeling NotationSoftware Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM)Eclipse Process Framework (EPF)Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)Concise MethodThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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