
Introduction. For the success of domestic dairy companies in the world market, they must be focused on the production of high quality and safe products with minimal production costs, which will ensure their maximum competitiveness. In addition to choosing the optimal raw materials, consumables, packaging materials, components, etc., it is necessary to optimize processes that do not bring profit to the company. One of the most well-known and most successful methods of reducing production losses is the implementation of the principles of "lean production" in the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to analyze individual elements of lean production, especially flow mapping, as one of the simplest and most obvious methods of practical use in dairy enterprises. Results. The list of losses allocated by economical production is made and their short characteristic is given. LEAN tools and methods for production systems are developed, the main task of which is to reduce enterprise losses. The article analyzes in detail such a Lean production tool as value creation flow mapping. This method is a simple and visual graphical diagram that depicts the material and information flows required to manufacture a product or provide a service to the end user. The value creation flow map makes it possible to see immediately the "bottlenecks" of the flow, and on the basis of its analysis to identify all unproductive costs and processes, to develop a plan for improvement. The main stages of creating a flow map are highlighted and implemented for a graphical image using the Gantt chart of the process of receiving raw milk at the dairy plant, also the analysis of the obtained data and recommendations for its optimization. Recommendations for using a mapping tool such as SIPOC are provided. Conclusions. Using the Value Stream Mapping method and SIPOC allows to see quickly and clearly the entire research process, set the limiting stages and start working with them. The end result is a reduction in cycle time and calculation of the time of each cycle, and the expression of this in the Gantt chart allows to visualize the process for workers, which is part of the processes of describing Standard Work and flow equalization (Heijunka). Keywords: lean production, losses, Value Stream Mapping, Gantt chart, competitiveness.

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